Book of Lamentations
¿ħow she·settled alone the·city much·of people
she·was as·widow
the·much in·the·clans⁺ the·princess in·the·vindicatordoms⁺
she·was to·levy :
weeping she·weeps in·the·night and·her·tears upon her·cheek
there·is·ńot to·her fellowsigher from·all·of that·love⁺·her
all·of her·tendents⁺ they·acted·covertly⁺ in·her
they·were⁺ to·her to·enemies⁺ :
she·stripped Gloryhand from·humiliation and·from·multitude·of service
she she·settled in·the·clans⁺
she·did·not·find peaceful·place
all·of her·pursuers⁺ they·caught⁺·her between the·rocky·places⁺ :
the·steps⁺·of Tzion mourning⁺ from·no entering⁺·of assembly
all·of her·gates⁺ desolate⁺
her·priests⁺ groaning⁺
her·virgins⁺ sorrowing⁺ and·she he·was·bitterness to·her :
they·were⁺ her·rockers⁺ to·head her·enemies⁺ they·relaxed⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ he·sorrowed·her upon the·multitude·of her·rebellions⁺
her·nurslings⁺ they·walked⁺ captivity to·face⁺·of rocker :
and·he·goes from·the·daughter·of Tzion all·of her·magnificence
they·were⁺ her·princes⁺ as·powrdeer⁺ they·did·not·find⁺ tendage
and·they·walk⁺ in·not vigor to·face⁺·of pursuer :
she·remembered Torahshalom the·days⁺·of her·humiliation and·her·ramblers⁺
all·of her·desires⁺
that they·were⁺ from·days⁺·of frontmost
when·falling her·people in·hand·of rocker and·there·is·ńot helper to·her
they·saw⁺·her rockers⁺
they·laughed⁺ upon her·resting :
sin she·sinned Torahshalom
upon surely to·retreatment she·was
all·of that·give·her·weight⁺ they·made·her·loose⁺ as they·saw⁺ her·bareness
also she she·groaned and·she·returns aft :
her·defilement in·her·skirts⁺ she·did·not·remember her·afterward
and·she·descends wonders⁺
there·is·ńot fellowsigher to·her
ꜝsee Yʜᴡʜ °my·humiliation
as he·made·great enemy :
his·hand he·stretched rocker
upon all·of her·desires⁺
as she·saw clans⁺ they·entered⁺ her·sanctuary
that you·commanded
they·do·not·enter⁺ in·the·congregation to·you :
all·of her·people groaning⁺ seekers⁺ bread
they·gave⁺ their·desires⁺ in·edibles to·return soul
ꜝsee Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝlook!
as I·was letting·loose :
not to·you⁺ all·of crossers⁺·of step
ꜝlook⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ if there·is hurt as·my·hurt
that he·was·exploited to·me
that he·sorrowed Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·day·of the·scorching·of his·nostrils :
from·heights he·sent fire in·my·bones⁺ and·he·governs·her
he·stretched heirnet to·my·feet² he·returned·me aft
he·gave·me desolate
all·of the·day sick :
he·was·√bound·on the·harness·of my·rebellions⁺ in·his·hand they·twig·themselves⁺ they·went·up⁺ upon my·neck he·caused·to·stumble my·vigor
he·gave·me My·Lord
in·hands²·of I·am·not·able arising :
he·compared all·of my·pinioned·ones⁺ My·Lord in·my·impresence
he·called upon·me assembly to·break my·choice·youths⁺
cellar he·stepped·forward My·Lord
to·the·virgin·of the·daughter·of Gloryhand :
upon these I weeping my·eye my·eye descending waters⁺
as he·was·far from·me fellowsigher returning my·soul
they·were⁺ my·sons⁺ desolate⁺
as he·was·heroic enemy :
she·stretched Tzion in·her·hands² there·is·ńot fellowsigher to·her
he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ to·Heeler turninground⁺·him his·rockers⁺
she·was Torahshalom to·retreatment between⁺·them :
just he Yʜᴡʜ as his·mouth I·was·bitter
ꜝhear⁺ ¡please! all·of the·people⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ my·hurt
my·virgins⁺ and·my·choice·youths⁺ they·walked⁺ in·the·captivity :
I·called to·that·love⁺·me they⁺ they·tricked⁺·me
my·priests⁺ and·my·elders⁺ in·the·city they·expired⁺
as they·sought⁺ edibles to·them
and·they·return⁺ °their·soul :
ꜝsee Yʜᴡʜ as rockiness to·me my·bowels⁺ they·were·pitchy⁺
he·was·converted my·heart in·my·impresence
as bitter I·was·bitter
from·exterior she·was·bereaved sword in·the·house as·the·death :
they·heard⁺ as groaning I there·is·ńot fellowsigher to·me
all·of my·enemies⁺ they·heard⁺ my·badness they·rejoiced⁺
as you you·did
you·brought·in day you·called and·they·are⁺ as·me :
she·enters all·of their·badness to·your·face⁺ and·ꜝexploit to·them
as·how you·exploited to·me upon all·of my·rebellions⁺
as many⁺ my·groanings⁺ and·my·heart sick :
¿ħow he·fogs·over in·his·nostrils My·Lord °the·daughter·of Tzion
he·dropped from·skies⁺ land
the·sprigging·of Princepowr
and he·did·not·remember the·stool·of his·feet² in·the·day·of his·nostrils :
he·devoured My·Lord and he·did·not·pity °all·of the·habitations⁺·of Heeler
he·demolished in·his·crossness the·fortifications⁺·of the·daughter·of Gloryhand he·touched to·the·land
he·pierced kingdom and·her·princes⁺ :
he·hacked·off in·scorching·of nostrils all·of the·horn·of Princepowr
he·returned aft his·right from·face⁺·of enemy
and·he·is·consumed in·Heeler as·fire·of flame
she·ate turninground :
he·stepped·forward his·bow as·enemy posted his·right as·rocker
all·of desires⁺·of eye
in·the·tent·of the·daughter·of Tzion
he·spilled·out as·the·fire his·heat :
he·was My·Lord as·enemy he·devoured Princepowr
he·devoured all·of her·heights⁺
he·ruined his·fortifications⁺
and·he·multiplies in·the·daughter·of Gloryhand
melancholy and·melancholia :
and·he·does·violence as·the·guarden his·knit·hedge
he·ruined his·assembly
he·caused·to·be·forgotten Yʜᴡʜ in·Tzion assembly and·rest
and·he·disregards in·the·damnation·of his·nostrils king and·priest :
he·shunned My·Lord his·offering·place he·abhorred his·sanctuary
he·locked·up in·hand·of enemy
the·ramparts⁺·of her·heights⁺
voice they·gave⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ as·day·of assembly :
he·considered Yʜᴡʜ to·ruin the·rampart·of the·daughter·of Tzion
he·branched·out hopecord
he·did·not·return his·hand from·devouring
and·he·causes·to·mourn stronghold and·rampart united they·were·exhausted⁺ :
they·sank⁺ in·the·land her·gates⁺
he·lost and·he·broke her·bolts⁺
her·king and·her·princes⁺ in·the·clans⁺ there·is·ńot torah
also her·prophets⁺ they·did·not·find⁺ vision from·Yʜᴡʜ :
they·settle⁺ to·the·land they·are·silent⁺ the·elders⁺·of the·daughter·of Tzion
they·offered·up⁺ dust upon their·head
they·girded⁺ burlaps⁺
they·made·descend⁺ to·the·land their·head
the·virgins⁺·of Torahshalom :
they·were·all·through⁺ in·the·many·tears⁺ my·eyes² they·were·pitchy⁺ my·bowels⁺
he·was·spilled·out to·the·land my·weighty·organ
upon the·break·of the·daughter·of my·people
when·collapsing nursling and·suckling
in·broadways⁺·of walledcity :
to·their·mamas⁺ they·say⁺
¿where grain and·wine
when·they·collapse⁺ as·the·pierced in·broadways⁺·of city
when·spilling·oneself·out their·soul
to the·bosom·of their·mamas⁺ :
¿what I·witness·you ¿what I·liken to·you the·daughter·of Torahshalom
¿what I·put·on·a·level to·you and·I·sigh·with·you
the·virgin·of the·daughter·of Tzion
as great as·the·sea your·break ¿who he·heals to·you :
your·prophets⁺ they·visioned⁺ to·you vanity and·sludge
and they·did·not·strip⁺ upon your·guilt to·return your·captives⁺
and·they·vision⁺ to·you
burdens⁺·of vanity and·banishing·places⁺ :
they·pounded⁺ upon·you spoons² all·of crossers⁺·of step
they·whistled⁺ and·they·rattle·around⁺ their·head
upon the·daughter·of Torahshalom
¿this the·city which·they·say⁺ all-all·of beauty
rejoicing to·all·of the·land :
they·widened⁺ upon·you their·mouth all·of your·enemies⁺
they·whistled⁺ and·they·gnash⁺ tooth
they·said⁺ we·devoured⁺
surely this the·day which·we·hoped⁺·him we·found⁺ we·saw⁺ :
he·did Yʜᴡʜ that he·determined·evil he·made·a·profit·on his·saying that he·commanded from·days⁺·of frontmost
he·demolished and he·did·not·pity
and·he·gladdens upon·you enemy
he·heightened the·horn·of your·rockers⁺ :
he·cried their·heart to My·Lord
the·rampart·of the·daughter·of Tzion ꜝmake·descend as·the·river tears daytime and·night
ꜝdo·not·give numbing to·you
ꜝlet·her·not·be·silent the·daughter·of your·eye :
ꜝarise ꜝshout in·the·night to·head·of watches⁺
ꜝspill·out as·the·waters⁺ your·heart
in·view·of the·face⁺·of My·Lord
ꜝbear·up to·him your·spoons² upon the·soul·of your·nurslings⁺
that·are·collapsed⁺ in·hunger in·head·of all·of exteriors⁺ :
ꜝsee Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝlook!
to·¿who you·exploited thus
if they·eat⁺ women⁺ their·fruit nurslings⁺·of few·spans⁺
if he·is·killed in·the·sanctuary·of My·Lord priest and·prophet :
they·bedded⁺ to·the·land exteriors⁺ youth and·elder
my·virgins⁺ and·my·choice·youths⁺ they·fell⁺ in·the·sword
you·killed in·the·day·of your·nostrils
you·butchered you·did·not·pity :
you·call as·day·of assembly my·dislodgements⁺ from·turninground
and he·was·not in·the·day·of the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ rescuee and·escapee
that I·spanned and·I·multiplied my·enemy he·was·all·done·them :
I the·hero he·saw humiliation
in·the·stem·of his·crossness :
°me he·led and·he·causes·to·walk darkness and·not light :
surely in·me he·returns he·converts his·hand all·of the·day :
he·made·decay my·flesh and·my·bareskin
he·broke my·bones⁺ :
he·built upon·me and·he·encompasses headweed and·weariness :
in·dark·places⁺ he·settled·me as·dead⁺·of eternity :
he·fenced about·me and I·do·not·go he·made·weighty my·copper :
also as I·cry and·I·cry·for·safety
he·closed·off my·mediation :
he·fenced my·steps⁺ in·masonry
my·paths⁺ he·made·guilty :
bear ambush he to·me
lion in·hiding·places⁺ :
my·steps⁺ he·moved and·he·tatters·me he·placed·me desolate :
he·stepped·forward his·bow and·he·posts·me
as·the·target to·the·arrow :
he·brought·in in·my·allkidneys⁺
the·sons⁺·of his·quiver :
I·was laughter to·all·of my·people
their·harp all·of the·day :
he·satisfied·me in·the·bitters⁺ he·overflowed·me poison :
and·he·cracks in·the·arrow my·teeth²
he·√buried·me in·the·ash :
and·you·shun from·shalom my·soul I·was·defrauded·of goodness :
and·I·say he·was·lost my·forever
and·my·waiting from·Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝremember my·humiliation and·my·rambling poison and·headweed :
remembering she·remembers
and·she·lies·in·the·pit upon·me my·soul :
this I·return to my·heart upon surely I·wait :
the·mercies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as we·were·not·completed⁺
as they·were·not·all·through⁺ his·wombliness⁺ :
new⁺ to·the·dayplows⁺
much your·truth :
my·dividend Yʜᴡʜ she·said my·soul
upon surely I·wait to·him :
good Yʜᴡʜ to·his·hopers⁺
to·soul she·investigates·him :
good and·waiting and·silently
to·the·salvation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
good to·the·hero
as he·bears harness in·his·youth⁺ :
he·settles alone and·he·is·silent
as he·hoisted·up upon·him :
he·gives in·the·dust his·mouth
¿maybe there·is hope :
he·gives to·that·strikes·him cheek he·is·satisfied in·detraction :
as he·does·not·shun to·eternity My·Lord :
but rather he·sorrowed
and·he·enwombed as·the·multitude·of his·mercies⁺ :
as he·did·not·humiliate from·his·heart
and·he·sorrows sons⁺·of man :
to·crush under his·feet²
all·of chainedmen⁺·of land :
to·branch·out judgment·of hero
before face⁺·of uppermost :
to·find·guilty adam in·his·argument
My·Lord he·did·not·see :
¿who this he·said and·she·is
My·Lord he·did·not·command :
from·mouth·of uppermost she·does·not·go
the·badnesses⁺ and·the·good :
¿what he·gripes·himself adam living
hero upon his·sins⁺ :
ꜝlet·us·search⁺ our·steps⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·examine⁺
and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺ unto Yʜᴡʜ :
we·bear⁺ our·heart to spoons²
to powr in·the·skies⁺ :
we⁺ we·rebelled⁺ and·we·were·bitter⁺
you you·did·not·pardon :
you·were·knit·together in·the·nostrils and·you·pursue·us
you·killed you·did·not·pity :
you·were·knit·together in·the·cloud to·you
from·crossing·over mediation :
offscraping and·rejecting you·place·us in·the·impresence·of the·people⁺ :
they·widened⁺ upon·us their·mouth all·of our·enemies⁺ :
trembling and·gorge he·was to·us the·roaring and·the·break :
furrows⁺·of waters⁺ she·descends my·eye
upon the·break·of the·daughter·of my·people :
my·eye she·was·drained and she·does·not·silence from·there·is·ńot numbing⁺ :
unto he·peers·down and·ꜝlet·him·see
Yʜᴡʜ from·skies⁺ :
my·eye she·exploited to·my·soul
from·all·of the·daughters⁺·of my·city :
hunting they·hunted⁺·me as·the·skippingbird my·enemies⁺ gratuitously :
they·annihilated⁺ in·the·well my·life⁺
and·they·raise·hands·against⁺ stone in·me :
they·topped⁺ waters⁺ upon my·head I·said I·was·sectioned·off :
I·called your·name Yʜᴡʜ
from·well·of undermost⁺ :
my·voice you·heard
you·do·not·hood your·ear to·my·breathing to·my·cry·for·safety :
you·were·present in·day I·call·you
you·said ꜝdo·not·fear :
you·argued My·Lord the·arguments⁺·of my·soul you·goeled my·life⁺ :
you·saw Yʜᴡʜ my·guiltiness
ꜝjudge! my·judgment :
you·saw all·of their·vengeance
all·of their·considerations⁺ to·me :
you·heard their·detraction Yʜᴡʜ
all·of their·considerations⁺ upon·me :
lips²·of that·arise⁺·me and·their·echo
upon·me all·of the·day :
their·seat and·their·rising ꜝlook!
I their·harping :
you·return to·them yield Yʜᴡʜ as·the·doing·of their·hands² :
you·give to·them guardedness·of heart
your·oath to·them :
you·pursue in·nostrils and·you·destroy·them
from·under the·skies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¿ħow he·becomes·blurry gold
he·alters the·bullion the·good
they·spill·themselves·out⁺ stones⁺·of sanctuary
in·head·of all·of exteriors⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of Tzion the·precious⁺
that·are·compared⁺ in·the·sterling
¿ħow they·were·considered⁺ to·wiltbags⁺·of claycraft
doing·of hands²·of former :
also serpents⁺ they·dressed·down⁺ breast
they·suckled⁺ their·chewcubs⁺
the·daughter·of my·people to·cruel
as·the·responderbirds⁺ in·the·outspeak :
he·was·joined tongue·of suckling to his·palate in·the·thirst
nurslings⁺ they·requested⁺ bread
stretching there·is·ńot to·them :
that·eat⁺ to·comforts⁺
they·were·desolated⁺ in·the·exteriors⁺
the·truly·cared·for⁺ upon fangworm
they·hugged⁺ dumps⁺ :
and·he·becomes·great the·guilt·of the·daughter·of my·people
from·the·sin·of Sodom
that·is·converted as wink
and they·did·not·whirl⁺ in·her hands² :
they·were·perfect⁺ her·envoweds⁺ from·snow
they·were·plain⁺ from·fatmilk
they·were·bloodyred⁺ bone from·corneredgems⁺
sapphire their·section :
he·was·dark from·murky their·figure
they·were·not·recognizable⁺ in·the·exteriors⁺
he·√cleaved their·bareskin upon their·bone
dry he·was as·the·tree :
good⁺ they·were⁺ pierced⁺·of sword
from·pierced⁺·of hunger
which·they⁺ they·emit⁺ stabbed⁺
from·produce⁺·of field :
hands²·of women⁺ with·wombs⁺
they·cooked⁺ their·children⁺
they·were⁺ to·food to·them
in·the·break·of the·daughter·of my·people :
he·was·all·done Yʜᴡʜ °his·heat
he·spilled·out the·scorching·of his·nostrils
and·he·enflares fire in·Tzion
and·she·eats her·foundations⁺ :
they·were·not·true⁺ kings⁺·of land
all·of settling⁺·of world
as he·enters rocker and·enemy
in·the·gates⁺·of Torahshalom :
from·the·sins⁺·of her·prophets⁺
the·guilts⁺·of her·priests⁺
the·spillers⁺ in·her·impresence blood·of just⁺ :
they·rattled⁺ blind⁺ in·the·exteriors⁺
they·were·goeled⁺ in·the·blood
in they·are·not·able⁺
they·touch⁺ in·their·robes⁺ :
ꜝmove·away⁺ defiled they·called⁺ to·them ꜝmove·away⁺ ꜝmove·away⁺ ꜝdo·not·touch⁺
as they·flowered·away⁺ also they·rattled⁺
they·said⁺ in·the·clans⁺
they·do·not·add⁺ to·lodge :
the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ he·divided·them
he·does·not·add to·look·them
face⁺·of priests⁺ they·did·not·bear·up⁺
and·elders⁺ they·did·not·grace⁺ :
we·are·still⁺ they·are·all·through⁺ our·eyes²
to our·help vapor
in·our·sentry·post we·were·sentry⁺
to clan he·does·not·save :
they·hunted⁺ our·paces⁺
from·walking in·our·broadways⁺
he·was·present our·end they·filled⁺ our·days⁺ as he·entered our·end :
slight⁺ they·were⁺ our·pursuers⁺
from·eagles⁺·of skies⁺
upon the·mounts⁺ they·blazed⁺·us
in·the·outspeak they·ambushed⁺ to·us :
the·breath·of our·nostrils² the·anointed·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·was·seized in·their·prostrations⁺
that we·said⁺
in·his·shadow we·live⁺ in·the·clans⁺ :
ꜝrejoice and·ꜝbe·glad the·daughter·of Blood
settling in·the·land·of Counsel
also upon·you she·crosses·over cup
you·are·drunk and·you·lay·yourself·bare :
he·was·completed your·guilt the·daughter·of Tzion
he·does·not·add to·strip·you
he·reckoned your·guilt the·daughter·of Blood
he·stripped·out upon your·sins⁺ :
ꜝremember Yʜᴡʜ ¿what he·was to·us
ꜝlook! and·ꜝsee °our·detraction :
our·derivation she·was·converted to·strangers⁺
our·houses⁺ to·unrecognized⁺ :
orphans⁺ we·were⁺ and·there·is·ńot father
our·mamas⁺ as·widows⁺ :
our·waters⁺ in·silver we·drank⁺
our·trees⁺ in·price they·enter⁺ :
upon our·neck we·were·pursued⁺
we·labored⁺ and he·was·not·set·in·peace to·us :
Egypts² we·gave⁺ hand
Blessed to·be·satisfied bread :
our·fathers⁺ they·sinned⁺ and·they·are·ńot⁺
and·we⁺ their·guilts⁺ we·heaved·up⁺ :
servants⁺ they·ruled⁺ in·us
ripping there·is·ńot from·their·hand :
in·our·soul we·bring·in⁺ our·bread
from·the·face⁺·of the·sword·of the·outspeak :
our·bareskin as·lampoven they·were·connected⁺
from·face⁺·of tempests⁺·of hunger :
women⁺ in·Tzion they·humiliated⁺
virgins⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand :
princes⁺ in·their·hand they·were·hanged⁺
face⁺·of elders⁺ they·were·not·magnified⁺ :
choice·youths⁺ grinder they·bore⁺
and·youths⁺ in·the·tree they·stumbled⁺ :
elders⁺ from·gate they·rested⁺
choice·youths⁺ from·their·harp :
he·rested the·rejoicing·of our·heart
he·was·converted to·mourning our·whirldancing :
she·fell the·crown·of our·head
¡woe! ¡please! to·us as we·sinned⁺ :
upon this he·was sick our·heart
upon these they·were·dark⁺ our·eyes² :
upon the·mount·of Tzion which·be·desolate
foxes⁺ they·walked⁺ in·him :
you Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity you·settle
your·throne to·saeculum and·saeculum :
to·¿what to·forever you·forget·us
you·abandon·us to·length·of days⁺ :
ꜝreturn·us Yʜᴡʜ to·you and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺
ꜝrenew our·days⁺ as·frontmost :
but rather rejecting you·rejected·us
you·were·angry upon·us unto very :